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The Goyal Foundation supports a range of projects in South Asia and beyond tackling disadvantage and empowering children, young people and women.
These include:
- British Asian Trust’s anti-trafficking programme to protect India’s women and girls from exploitation and trafficking. This work in Rajasthan is match-funded by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation.
- Child Action and in particular the projects, Toybank and Doorsteps School. This includes a bus offering a mobile school reaching out to children to promote learning and literacy/numeracy skills.
- Ten impoverished children to attend and learn at Mother Miracle School. In 2022 we also supported ten deprived children to access education through Sikhs helping Sikhs.
- Several One Family activities and events including the annual Diwali at the Dorchester fundraising dinner.
- The Red Cross’s programme to help deliver healthy babies in Yemen.
- Narayan Seva to enable more disabled people living in poverty to experience better lives through the provision of health and care.
- Carers Worldwide’s work to support family carers through its growing network of carers’ groups and enable women and their families to prosper in India.
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